Dreams Studio Privacy Policy

Dreams Studio has adopted this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) to explain how Dreams Studio collects, stores, and uses the information collected in connection with Dreams Studio’s Services.

By installing, using, registering for, or otherwise accessing the services, you agree to this Privacy Policy and consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree, please do not install, use, register for, or otherwise access the services. Dreams Studio reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at reasonable times, so please review it frequently. If significant changes are made, a notice will be posted on the website along with the updated Privacy Policy. Continued use of the services signifies acceptance of these changes.

Non-personal Data

Non-personal data refers to information that does not directly identify you. This may include application properties, such as application name, package name, and icon installed on your device. Your check-in activity (e.g., likes, recommendations) within a game may be disclosed to all Dreams Studio users.

Dreams Studio may share non-personal data with partners and contractors to analyze usage, manage advertisements, provide the services, and further develop Dreams Studio services and products.

Personal Data

Personal data refers to information that specifically identifies you as an individual, such as your Google Play ID, name, and gender, collected when you create or update your account. Dreams Studio may use personal data to analyze usage, provide customer and technical support, manage advertisement services, and develop the services and other products. Personal and non-personal data may be combined.

Request User Data Deletion

Data is collected to provide users with a better experience, improve our services, and conduct analytics to understand user behavior. This information helps us enhance our products and services continuously.

To delete user data collected by Dreams Studio, please reach out to info@dreamstudio.id.

Third-Party Partners

The third-party partners that Dreams Studio shares data with are:

Data Deletion Requests

If you want to request the deletion of data collected by third-party partners acting as independent data controllers, contact them directly via the information below:


Email: privacy@gameanalytics.com

Privacy policy: https://gameanalytics.com/privacy/#6-changing-or-deleting-your-information

Facebook Analytics:

Email: Not available; refer to privacy policy.

Privacy policy: https://www.facebook.com/policy.php


Email: privacy@adjust.com

Privacy policy: https://www.adjust.com/terms/privacy-policy/

Disclosure and Transfer of Personal Data

Dreams Studio does not sell your personal data. However, data may be shared with parent and subsidiary companies or disclosed in compliance with applicable laws.


Dreams Studio takes measures to ensure data security, including storing data in secure environments and limiting access to necessary personnel. While reasonable efforts are made to protect data, no system can guarantee 100% security. By using the services, you accept this risk.

Other Information

Be mindful of any open features, such as social networking, that may disclose your data publicly. Dreams Studio is not responsible for personal data you choose to make public.

If you are under 15 years old, ask for your legal guardian’s permission to use the services. Dreams Studio does not knowingly collect information from children under this age and will delete such data if collected unintentionally.